Hand and Microsurgery FAQs

Post Street Surgery Center is a state-of-the-art surgical center equipped with the latest technologies necessary to provide advanced surgeries and minimally invasive treatments. Led by Dr. Leonard Gordon and Dr. Joshua Gordon, we provide the most advanced surgical techniques for hand and microsurgery. We always start our treatments with conservative care and only progress to surgeries if necessary. Below, we answer some of the most common questions about hand and microsurgery.

Is the surgery performed under general anesthesia?

Some of the minor surgeries can be performed under local anesthesia — our surgeons will numb the specific treatment areas to ensure optimal comfort. However, in major cases, the surgeons will administer a regional block to numb the entire region or general anesthesia to put you to sleep. The level of anesthesia and sedation depends on your specific conditions.

When can I return home after the procedure?

You can return home immediately after the procedure, but you’ll need to have someone else drive you home. In rare cases, you may need to stay overnight at the surgical center for observation.

How long will I need to wear bandages, splints, or slings?

Most patients need bandages, splints, or plasters after the surgery — different surgical techniques require different types of dressings. You’ll have to wear a sling for the first few days after the surgery to keep your hands elevated above your heart’s level and reduce swelling. You can take the sling off briefly for light activities, but you should prevent letting your hand hang down. The splints and bandages have to be worn according to the surgeons’ instructions.

When will the stitches be removed?

In some cases, our surgeons will use dissolvable stitches that won’t need to be removed. In other cases, the sutures will have to be removed about 7 to 14 days after the procedure.

When can I start using my hands again?

You should start moving your hands shortly after the surgery to ensure optimal blood circulation. Most of your fingers will be free, so you can perform light activities in a few days. However, the degree of use and movement will depend on the type of surgery and your surgeons’ instructions.

What’s the professional and social downtime after hand surgery?

Your professional downtime will depend on the type of surgery and the nature of your work. If your job doesn’t entail intensive activities, you can return to work in a few days. However, jobs necessitating heavy tasks must be avoided until you recover completely. Please discuss your professional and social downtime with your surgeons.

What’s the success rate of hand surgeries?

Most hand surgeries, such as trigger finger release and carpal tunnel decompression, have a nearly perfect success rate exceeding 95%, but some cases are more complicated and involve more risks. Your surgeons will discuss the risks before the surgery.

Scheduling your appointment

Please schedule an appointment at Post Street Surgery Center, San Francisco, to discuss your hand and microsurgery options.

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